Battered, crippled, and bloodied, a woman in a uniform that
had not been seen in centuries dragged herself with a key-shaped staff away
from the base toward the temporal portal. Gunshots continued behind her as she
strained to crawl through the portal before the soldiers could catch up to
her. “How did it happen?” She muttered
under her breath. Answers, however, were not forthcoming, and she dragged
herself through the portal, opening another wildly toward
Change of Phases
By Miriani
The preceding and following characters and some scenarios are the possessions of Naoko Takeuchi and Stan Lee among others in Marvel Entertainment, Co and Toei Animation Group
Chapter 01 – New Moon
Usagi tried to ignore the crowds about her as she made her way to Juuban Jr. High. A sickeningly cheerful smile on her face was utterly faked as she tried to shut out the noises about her. She had tried everything in her power to ignore the noises for almost two years, ever since they began. At first merely a mild annoyance, now, at age fifteen, they were almost unbearable. The various noises caused her problems as time went by… until she began to realize what the noises were.
It was little wonder, if one knew, why Usagi could never seem to get to class on time, and always fell asleep. She was actually very intelligent, but the strain of keeping the voices out kept her awake until she passed out from sheer mental exhaustion. And once more, another fatiguing day came to pass. (HELP!!!!) Usagi almost fell on her rear as she heard the anguished cry for help. She quickly rushed in the direction the cry came from, only to find a trio of children tormenting a small cat.
“Go away!” She yelled at the children. However, that was not what disturbed the children the most. The hail of pebbles and debris scared them out of their wits, and they dashed as far as their legs could carry them. She then looked around for the person who screamed, but could see nobody. Nobody except the cat. The cat whimpered as it pawed at the bandages. The voice was still in her head, but it was more primal, less coherent now. Usagi hesitantly moved forward and started to peel the bandages away. “That’s the first time I’ve ever ‘heard’ a cat speak…” She remarked quietly to herself, as the bandages peeled away to reveal a golden crescent moon.
The girl blinked as she heard the cat’s mind become clearer. (Thank the Goddess… I thought I’d never get those damnable bandages off.) Said cat looked up at her savior and blinked a little in surprise.
“I’m sure Amaterasu would be glad to know that cats ask her favors as well.” Usagi remarked to herself, and then started as she heard the school bell off in the distance. “Oh no... Haruna-sensei’s going to kill me…” She set the utterly astonished cat down and dashed for the school.
Usagi stood in the hall after a rather public dressing down by Haruna-sensei, rubbing at her temples as she tried to ignore the numerous conversations, erotic images, arguments, wistful wishes and day dreams that floated about her head.
Haruna-sensei poked her head out at Usagi, ready to give her a dressing down for not holding the buckets, when she noticed the strained expression on the girl’s face. “Tsukino-chan, why don’t you go to the infirmary?” Usagi nodded gratefully and shambled off to the nurse’s office, a hand rubbing her temple.
As the girl stepped into the office, and the door closed behind her, she could almost feel the weight lift. Perhaps it was an ulterior motive, but for some reason, the noises were always less in the nurse’s office. Marginal, but any reduction was welcome. The door behind her opened for a moment, and then an odd whirring sound was heard, followed by a pair of heels clacking gently on the tile. “Usagi-chan? There’s someone here to see you?”
Usagi turned to see Nurse Kiuko standing behind and towering over a beautiful woman in a business suit. Despite being five and a half feet tall, Kiuko still towered over the woman by the simple fact that the woman was seated in a motorized wheel chair. “Tsukino-san? I’m Dr. Meioh. I heard about your frequent trips to the infirmary from Kiuko-san, and decided to speak with you.” Those were the words heard by the ear. What was heard by Usagi’s mind was quite different.
(Hello, Usagi-san… Kiuko-chan tells me that you are having some difficulties as of late.)
Usagi stared in shock at the woman.
She bore a beautiful elegance despite her immobility, and seemed to fill the
air with a calm surety. (Yes, you are not imagining things, Usagi-san. You can
hear me and I can hear you. I see you are having quite a difficult time.)
Usagi tried to speak with a dry mouth. “I…
I’m pleased to meet you, Meioh-sensei.” (H... how are you doing this?)
Setsuna looked into
her eyes. (The same way you are, Usagi-san. I can teach you to quiet the
noises, to gain control over them, so you only hear what you want to hear.)
Usagi almost burst
into tears at the possibility of surcease from the brain numbing din between
her ears. (You can do that? How?)
Setsuna smiled gently.
(I can teach you many things. I actually came here to offer you an opportunity
at a new school. One where you and others can learn to control themselves and
their abilities.)
Usagi paused. (But how
can I afford it? My family is not that rich…)
Setsuna laughed gently
in her mind. (Money is not a concern. Call it a scholarship if you will. If you
would like, I could help with your parents if that is a concern.)
Usagi paused and
sighed. “Can I have some time to think about it?” She asked aloud.
Setsuna nodded and
smiled. “Certainly. If you decide, please let Kiuko-san know, and she will get
in contact with me. Or call me.” She offered a small business card to Usagi,
who accepted it.
Kiuko nodded knowingly
and gave Usagi a note. “Here, dear, you should go home.”
Usagi nodded and began
to leave.
Tsukino Ikuko was only
slightly surprised to see her daughter stepping in the door with an exhausted-sounding
‘tadaima’. “Another bad day, dear?” She asked concernedly.
Usagi looked at her
mother and sighed. “A little…” She wasn’t sure she wanted to talk about the
offer yet, but decided, better now than never. “’Kaa-san, I spoke with a Doctor
Meioh today. She said something to me that I thought you might want to hear.”
Ikuko brought a cup of
tea for her daughter and nodded. “What would that be?”
The girl took the cup
and sighed. “She offered me a place at a school she runs. Free room and board,
no tuition… she said I had earned a scholarship.” The last earned Usagi a
skeptical look. After all, she had seen some of Usagi’s tests. “I’m serious,
okaa-san. She really wanted me to be there. And I think I want to be too,” she
said with a sip of her tea.
“I’ll talk with your
father about it when he gets home.” Ikuko took the empty cup and went to the
kitchen while Usagi crawled into bed.
Said bed, however,
seemed to be occupied by a small, familiar, black cat. “Hello…”
Usagi would have been
startled, but hearing the cat in her mind prepared her for the shock for the
most part. “Never known a cat to talk either… who or what are you?” She asked
as she sat heavily on the bed.
“My name is Luna,” the
cat replied, “and I’ve come to give you something that belongs to you.”
Usagi raised an
eyebrow. “Belongs to me?”
The cat performed an
aerobatic back flip, leaving a small broach in its wake. Usagi stepped toward
the broach, examining it thoughtfully. “Curious. A little fancy.” She remarked
as she examined it cautiously. “What is it for?”
Luna looked at the
girl and replied, “It will give you the power of Sailor Moon.”
Usagi paused. “More
power?” She asked, hesitant.
Luna looked confused.
“What do you mean?”
The girl sat heavily
on the bed, staring at the broach. “I’ve enough problems with powers I can’t
control, I’m not sure I can handle more.”
Luna didn’t understand
but said, “You will have all the control you need over these powers. It will
also keep you from being recognized. Just speak the words Moon Prism Power –
Make Up.”
Usagi repeated the
words, and with a flare of light, the girl began to change, power and strength
filling her body. As she stood, she gazed down at her body and made a slight
expression of distaste. “Can’t we do anything about this suit?” She replied, and
then paused, head snapping up as a voice called in the distance. Not one in her
head, but one she could actually hear. “What the hell?”
Luna looked at Sailor
Moon. “What is it?”
The newly resurrected
Sailor Moon leapt from the window, taking to the rooftops. Luna never got a
reply as she stared at the airborne senshi.
Osaka Naru was scared
out of her wits. This is quite understandable, however. Watching one’s mother
turn into a demented, psychotic hag would do that to someone. Watching said hag
draining people of their lives only reinforced the sheer gut-churning terror.
Her throat was raw from the screams, yet she found herself still trying.
“Don’t worry, child.
You’ll be joining your mother soon enough.” The creature hissed as she
continued to drain those about her.
With the sound of
shattering glass, a figure hurtled through the window, staring down at the
being and the people upon the ground. “Back off, ugly.” The figure drifted to
the ground slowly, glowing softly as she landed on her feet.
“Who the hell are you
supposed to be?” The youma snarled as she stood straight.
“Call me Sailor Moon.
Call me cranky, too. I’m going to take you down.” The figure said as she
stepped forward, gloved fists clenched. “I’ve got a headache, I’m tired, and
ticked. You figure it out.”
The youma sneered.
“Then sleep permanently.” With that, the drained beings slowly got to their
feet, starting toward the oddly dressed heroine. Sailor Moon lashed out at one
of the ‘zombies’ with a badly made punch. The man yelped and clutched his face.
(Oh no… they’re still
alive and normal people… What do I do?) the warrior thought to herself as she
backed away from the milling people, until an object plunged into the concrete
right in front of the creature, startling it out of its control.
“Do not give up hope,
Sailor Moon! You can win the day!” A figure in a tuxedo spoke out from the
window she had burst through herself.
Sailor Moon frowned as
she backed away from the creatures. “Don’t see you doing much…” She muttered, and
then growled… this had two effects. The two jewels in her hair amplified the
enraged sound to almost stunning proportions. That was the lesser of the two
effects… the greater was that the ‘zombies’ near her were slammed backwards
violently, hurling them against counters, cases and walls.
The youma stared in
disbelief, as a winded Luna yelled at Sailor Moon. With a flourish, she grasped
the tiara from her brow and hurled it, the metal incandescing as it tore a gash
through the center of the being’s body, causing it to collapse, turning into
sodden dust before it could hit the ground.
The warrior looked up
toward the window she emerged, but the tuxedoed man was no where to be found.
The girl sighed and shook her head, taking the cat up gently and drifting up
toward the window, not even noticing the cat’s utter astonishment at the feat.
Setsuna stared at her
staff, which lay in her lap as she sat in her bed. She reached over to the
phone just as it rang and answered. “Tsukino-san?”
“How did you know it was me?” Usagi asked from the other side of
the phone.
“You were the only one
I expected to call,” She said and smiled a bit. “I am guessing you want to
accept my offer?”
“When can I start?”
“I can transfer you
tomorrow night.” Setsuna replied.
“Alright. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
well, Tsukino-san.”
Usagi hang up the
phone and sighed, sagging back at her bed, looking at the broach. “I hope I
made the right decision,” she said to herself. She fingered the piece of
jewelry thoughtfully, examining it.
Luna moved to sit down
on her stomach. “So what did you think?” the cat asked, curiously.
Usagi looked up. “It…
now that I think of it, it was quiet. I couldn’t hear the voices so much.”
Luna looked confused
and more than a bit concerned. “Voices?”
Usagi nodded. (Like
Luna fell off of Usagi
and almost fell off the bed. “How did you do that?”
Usagi closed her eyes.
“I’ve heard the voices for almost two years… They’re always there.” She admits
softly. “I don’t know why, but I can hear people think. I can also move some
things too.”
Luna stared. “I see…”
The cat sat down, rattled.
Usagi shook her head.
“Good night, Luna.”
“Good night, Usagi…”
Usagi stepped out of
the office, sighing a little in relief, right behind Meioh-sensei, as the two
began to leave the school. “I’m glad that’s over… I thought they’d never stop
asking questions.” She says with a sour face.
Setsuna nodded softly.
“The van should be here in a few moments.” She replied as she turned about to
face Usagi. “I’m sure you’ll do quite well at the Institute.”
“The Meioh Institute
for Special Students. Sounds like it’ll be worth it.” Usagi remarked as she
rubbed at her temples.
(I think we should
start our first lesson, Tsukino-san. Shielding will help you very much.) Setsuna
said sympathetically.
(Shielding? You mean I
can keep the voices out?) the younger girl asked, a tremendous note of hope in
her tone.
(Indeed, dear. There
is another advantage to the Institute as well. All quarters are shielded
sufficiently, so only an intentional sending can be heard.) Setsuna said,
smiling gently as she saw Usagi’s expression of intense surprise and happiness,
almost to the point of tears. “Here we are,” Setsuna said aloud as she wheeled
up to the van, which opened up to a lift, allowing Setsuna to access the
vehicle. Usagi’s parents were already in the vehicle, wanting to see the school
for themselves. After an hour and a half’s drive, they approached the mansion.
The Tsukino family was stunned at seeing the immense building.
“How could you afford
this?” Kenji said, shocked. “The land price alone…”
“Was provided by
grants by former and current students and families.” Setsuna finished the
sentence. “As were the building materials and manpower.”
The Tsukino adults
looked suitably impressed, but Usagi was
not listening. Or rather, she was not listing to the voices audible to the
human ear. (So, sensei, are all of the students…)
Setsuna continued to
expound on the virtues of the campus as she replied to Usagi mentally. (Yes,
Usagi-san. They are mutants, like us,) she replied. (Each of them, like you, is
struggling to control their abilities.)
Usagi smiled as she
sat back in her seat, relaxing a bit. (So, how does one shield?)
The tour of the
mansion continued, but Usagi barely noticed it as she continued her
conversation with Dr. Meioh. (I didn’t realize it was as simple as that,) Usagi
admitted as the voices, save Setsuna’s, were muffled to near silence.
Setsuna continued to
describe the facilities to Kenji and Ikuko as she replied to Usagi. (All it
takes is focus. If you need to, imagine the wall thicker. Of course, all the
quarters are heavily shielded, so that you can relax.)
Usagi smiled to her
parents as they listened, bewildered, to the woman. It was at about that time
that a slight chime was heard, and children begin to file out of rooms,
chattering with one another. None of them wore uniforms, but rather, all of
them were casually dressed. There were also a proportionally large portion of
foreigners among the students.
“So, Doctor, you teach
non-Japanese students as well?” Kenji asked, curious.
Setsuna nodded as she
wheeled her chair around. “Yes.
Ikuko looked impressed
as she responded, “That would be wonderful, to have Usagi-chan able to interact
with students from all over the world.” Ikuko then looked to Usagi. “Perhaps
they can even help her get her grades up.” Usagi hid a look of mild irritation.
Dr. Meioh concluded
the tour fifteen minutes later, and then, after a tearful goodbye, Usagi was
left alone with Setsuna as her parents were driven back to Juuban. “So, Usagi,
shall we meet some of the other students, perhaps?” She offered as Usagi was led
toward one of the common rooms.
There were several
younger people relaxing in the common room. All in all a
rather relaxing scene, or so it seemed to Usagi at first. She then began
to realize what was strange about the scene. In one corner, a bluish-black
haired girl was studying a book, and every so often, took a drink from a glass.
After a moment, she placed a finger to the drink, and to Usagi’s shock, saw ice
crystals forming on the top. Another darkhaired girl
sat back in a corner, relaxing, and running her fingers over the pages of a
book. As Usagi took another look, she noticed that the girl wore a cloth over
her eyes. Yet another seemed to be sketching a potted plant while sipping some
water. “Usagi, these are some of the other students. Mizuno
Ami, Hino Rei, and Sakura Kikyo.
Everyone, this is our new student, Tsukino Usagi.” Everyone waved in her
direction. Well, Rei tried, but waved off to the
side. “Ami and Kikyo have been here since the school
started, while Rei just arrived a few days ago
Dr. Meioh looked
toward the blindfolded girl. “That reminds me, Rei,
we do need to continue those tests.” The girl nodded and stood, adjusting her hakama. As she stood, Usagi noticed the girl’s clothing
almost seemed like a priestess or the like.
“Anyway, Usagi, Ami
will be able to help you to your room. Please get to know everyone, Usagi, and
make yourself to your new home,” the doctor said, as she wheeled off, leading Rei onward.